Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day three...

A picture of the cast of your favorite show.

I don't know if I have a favorite TV show right now.  There are several that I find entertaining, but I could probably live without them all.  After PM was born, we got rid of expanded cable in the interest of saving money and keeping us from wasting time in front of the television, especially since we don't really want our kids addicted to TV like we are and were as children.  But now, instead of TV, we are addicted to being online, which is just as awful or worse, since now we don't have a shared experience of watching the same show -- we're just in the same room looking at different screens.

But, with that said, I've been enjoying the comedy of Modern Family a lot because the characters are genuinely nice people with good hearts.  They love each other and can be silly, but they're not intentionally malicious, which is something I just cannot stomach.  The same can be said about Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother.

I also like 30 Rock, which is quite satirical and although some of the dialogue can be construed as malicious, it seems like the characters actually care about each other and look out for each other; it also contains some of the best lines I've heard in ages.  My absolute favorite is from Kenneth: "I feel about as useless as a mom's college degree."

But I guess my favorite show of late is Word World.  I mean, it's a cartoon about words!  What could be better than that?

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